We wait for inspiration yet inspiration also means to breath in. Breathing is a present moment action so nothing will come if we wait. Waiting says that right now, in the present, there is nothing. The energy of 'waiting' is that something is not here yet! But just like breathing, we must be present with our own creativity. Let go of thinking for that is the block. Thinking and waiting block us. We 'think' creativity is something else - some grand gesture, some intense flash of genius that instantly produces great art but actually it is a series of small steps, just like a jigsaw. We do not compete a thousand piece picture in one placement of a tile. We slowly uncover it by being present and trusting our heart and the flow. Creativity is trusting that flow, being impulsive in the moment and making one small step. A line on a page, a word, a gesture, one note. Bit by bit, we flow toward the next step, trusting our heart. We breath in the moment. We flow with our hands, our bodies, our feet. Genius lies in the power of focus and we all have the ability to focus. So, what do we focus upon... the idea that is not there? Or the present moment and what is flowing out of us? We let go of mind. We let go of thought. We embrace creativity in the moment. Flowing like a river. Freeing our minds. We let go and drop into our ever-present hearts. Love.
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