Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Dance in the Rain

Today is a great opportunity to focus on everything that works - apart from all the wonderful benefits of having a fully healthy body, a world to live on, air to breath, food to eat, a place to sleep, freedom to think and gravity!

In the last week I have read about more states and countries legalising industrial hemp (which is the perfect sustainable replacement for all oil-related products amongst other things), a 19-year old who has invented an array that filters plastic out of the ocean, a considerably larger push of inventors coming up with alternative fuels (oil is SO last century), more evidence of cannabis being extremely good for your health, an increasing number of countries seriously doubting the validity of GMO products, the growing body of evidence and techniques on forming a conscious coherence with your heart - which greatly improves your health and stress levels - and countless people, innovators, artists and creators that are all working to improve, document and express the quality, magic and uniqueness of life here on Earth as a human! Well, if I can't see something positive in all of that today I must be purple unicorn eating dangleberries!

More people than ever are waking up to the fact that they are the one true power in their own lives. More people are taking inspired actions and letting go of worries and old redundant habits. I see more creativity and ingenuity in the world now than I have ever seen in my life due to the amazing phenomenon of the internet. Daily, I am inspired as I hook up to writers, artists, thinkers, inventors and genuine, loving souls that want to make a difference on this planet. Everyone I know has a good heart... Everyone! There is more positivity, hope, love and creative solutions on the planet than we may be aware of. We just have to make a conscious choice to start looking in different directions.

After years of getting heavy and bogged down with 'terrible' news stories I have realised that I don't have to listen to mainstream media anymore. Why should I read stories that clearly have an alternative and biased agenda and don't resonate with my heart? Of course, like many others, I feel obliged to know what is going on in the world. What we allow into our frame of perception heavily influences our emotional state. Sometimes we don't even realise it. Within our own sphere of compassion and perception we read about climate, war, crime, money, food and poverty and do not realise that we are absorbing the burdens and heaviness of these issues. In doing so, we are doing nothing to solve or help the issues we care about, dragging a weight of baggage around on our shoulders in a vain bid to empathise with our fellow adventurers in time and space.

I do not prescribe to the notion that we are being force-fed negative stories by the media. Each of us has the choice to stop and read something else; take a new angle on the issue. I am not suggesting burying our heads in the sand either and ignore the problems or contrasts of the world. Instead, we could become more discerning about the content of what we read and of what we think. If there is a 'problem', then you can be assured there is also a bright human being somewhere in the world making light of it in a way that has not been thought of before whether that is through discussion, humour, art or innovation. There are positive sources of news and we always have the choice to start looking toward the solutions rather than keep focusing on the problems.

We could dwell on good things that have happened rather than bad things that have yet to pass. We could energise our minds and bodies with stories of triumph instead of worrying about invisible futures. We could stop listening to the pessimists and naysayers and fill ourselves with the mystical field of pure potential where anything is possible. We could release our limitations of what is to come and know that a better world and elegant solutions will always blossom and thrive. After all, this is where luminaries such as Einstein, Marie Curie, The Wright Brothers and Tesla lived. They saw problems and created new paradigms. There are many alive today who do just this.

Ideas contain solutions, or at least , the seeds of solutions. Solutions brighten the soul. There is always another way. Humans are always innovating, creating and imagining. That is our nature. We have the choice to focus on the rain, feel sad, fetch an umbrella, or to dance in it and get wet...

Focusing on solutions releases the pressure and burden of problems. More than that, it starts a creative process whereby we can begin to move forward. It doesn't matter whether our problem is small, personal, global or immense. If we can but start... then we are moving in the right direction.

As one friend once said to me... 'Face the sun and the shadows will fall behind you'.

Love, love, love.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

My Definition Is This...

There is a process by which we collapse the infinite field of potential  into manifest, temporary 'realities' that we call the physical plane. This is the realm of the tangible, touchable, observable Universe. Yet in our attachment to the seemingly solid, created reality, we sometimes crystallize the illusion until such a point that we forget it is merely an illusion. Nothing is solid. Everything changes. We are the interpreters and creators of our individual realities and each of us is contributing to the collective experience of the whole.

We are constantly defining our reality, distinguishing between one form of energy and another through the use of labels, perceptions, ideas and beliefs. Through this definition, we get to experience different states of being, different places, people, hopes and dreams.

As humans, we seem to have developed a habit of holding on. We hold onto names. We hold onto labels. We hold onto definitions. We hold onto memories. We hold onto habits - good and bad. We hold onto to fears. We hold onto to other people's truths and opinions and in doing so, we begin to limit the scope of our own perceptions and abilities to experience unlimited magic and joy. Perhaps it is our fear of the unknown or perhaps we are just not yet aware of our power in defining and creating our own lives - relying on the limited information we have been fed from well-meaning parents, mass-media and educational systems that do not serve the expansion of the human spirit... yet.

We live in a field of pure potential. For every single moment of 'now' that we live, the next moment holds an infinite amount of scope for us. The future is unwritten. Anything could happen! We can experience the same thing a thousand times and each time it is different. Take sex for example... each time the air you breath is different. Each time the situation is different, the moment is different, the date, the hour... Each time the body you touch is different. New cells, new skin, new person perhaps! You are new, in each moment, you have never been there before. You have never kissed in that particular way. You think you have but it is subtly different than the last time. No two things in the Universe are the same yet we all arise from the same infinite field of potential.

The Universe that surrounds us, our immediate 'reality' has a tendency to respond to our expectations. It responds according to our definitions, perceptions and beliefs. We hear what we want to hear. We see what we expect to see. We read what we want to read, filtering out information that doesn't fit into our paradigm and taking on board information that does. A song or an idea that we have just heard starts popping up on the radio, on the TV, on our Facebook feed or an overheard conversation after never having heard it before. A person you just thought about rings you. A close friend blurts out exactly the same sentence as you at the same time. How much longer shall we call these coincidences?

Our Universe is matching us. It is reflecting us. It is reflecting our limitations. It is reflecting our fears. It reflects our insecurities and apathy. It also reflects our joy, our hopes and our dreams. Nature seems set to flower, blossom and promote life yet we seem focused on entropy and struggle - the fight for survival. Our beautiful bodies are naturally predisposed to heal and most of us think that our bodies stop at our skin. What if our whole perception is our body? What if our body extends into life itself, our mind, our thoughts, our emotions - all that we touch, all that we experience... Then surely, our body is trying to heal our perceptions too.

If bad things keep happening to us, then maybe our definitions of life have become too limited. Maybe we are holding onto a belief, pattern or behaviour that needs to be accepted and dissolved so that we can move onto more affirming, unlimited thoughts. Maybe the things that happen to us are related to the definitions we hold about life and ourselves. Maybe it is time to start transforming those hidden definitions - 'I am not worthy, I am not good enough, I am always unlucky, I am lonely'. These are powerful statements of being. They are powerful definitions but remember, life is unlimited. Anything can happen. We can just as easily hold other core beliefs instead such as 'I am unlimited, I am amazing, I am confident, I am joyful, I am loved'.

Yes, reality seems solid. It seems sometimes that there is no way out and that things are serious. These too are definitions. They are choices of perception. Sometimes it takes courage to begin to start looking towards the sun instead of always looking into the shadows. Sometimes it takes courage to look within and accept yourself. Sometimes, it takes courage to let go of what you know and try something different. The Universe is a wonderful place though. It is full of love and will support your direction... which ever way you turn.

Change what you can see and what you can see will change!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Death is a strange old thing. We love to not talk about it yet we glorify it in movies. We make it acceptable in video games and invent a million ways to portray it on screen. A violent death is more acceptable to watch than a steamy bedroom romance. One scene creates life and one ends it but in their own ways, both subjects have become taboo over the course of history when, at various points they were celebrated, revered and respected. Why do our entrances and exits into life cause the modern human such pains to consider and talk about freely and openly? I think a healthy dose of frank exploration into our endings is in order, without morbidity, doom and gloom.

Death came to my family early in my childhood. My grandfather died when I was just 15. This impacted my life quite heavily as he was my surrogate father and the rock of maleness that I depended upon. I was the son he had never had. It was a special relationship. Having such an experience at such a young age got me thinking very early on about death and what it meant.

At first of course, there was denial, guilt, pain, grief and a very large dose of abandonment. Being just a teenager, I masked those feelings with drugs, sex, alcohol and music. It took me a long time to begin to talk about it - 2 years in fact. Before I had moved much further in my life, a few other family members decided their time was up and off they toddled. Perhaps the greatest shock to my system was during University when 3 friends died in three successive years.

After all this time, I have come to some conclusions. Some are based on direct experience and some are based on the experiences of others. Some are based on the intuitions of my heart and the things I have read. Some are based on my meditations, and some based on my study of yoga. You may find these ideas soothing, cathartic and full of hope. On the other hand, you may think I am a crackpot - good luck to you either way. Test any idea in your heart for validity. If it appeals and feels good, then take it on board for as long as you need to. If it does not resonate and feels bizarre, then you can let it go. We never need to hold onto things. I have let go of things I held to years ago because they no longer applied. Such is the way of consciousness. Be brave...

The human spirit is unlimited and has a soul. Actually, more accurately, it is the other way round. The soul is a grand being that manifests a human body in order to have experiences in material reality. The soul is pure consciousness and exists in a greater amount of dimensional reality than that which our current perception experiences. We are far bigger than 4D time and space. 

We are interconnected to all things through our soul. Our soul is part of a grand field of pure potential and love. This field is everywhere, connected to all time and space. There is only one moment. Within this field, we are 'born' and 'die' in countless lifetimes in order to experience the joy and bliss of living. Some call this process reincarnation yet it is more than the limited ideas we might have. We create our lives, awake or not, in order to express and remember our true nature. Our soul is dancing within a grand playground and when we die, we return fully to this multidimensional field that we never actually left. From this field arises an unlimited amount of phenomena, realities, galaxies, and laws of physics, defined and undefined, imagined and unimagined. Anything is possible!

Our soul exists in many dimensions - our lives contribute to the expansion and experience of the Universe. Each of us matters. Each of our lives matter. Every thought, word, experience and action matters and we are loved because we are love and we come from love. Love and bliss is the core of our being. Our soul loves our bodies and lives, our hopes and dreams, our pasts, futures and presents.

We choose our parents and the conditions of our birth and death before we incarnate into our human bodies. Our soul has an overview of our life from the unique vantage point it has and knows what kind of experience it wants next. It has desires just as we do and those desires are the life force which drive the Universe.  In fact, our desires in each lifetime are simply an extension of our soul's desires for we are inseparable. When we begin to listen to our heart's yearnings, we are acknowledging our soul's voice. What you love most is what you are here to be...

Our bodies and egos are the vehicle through which the soul drives in material reality. It is a rush and a ride. When we decide to incarnate, we agree to forget the true nature of who we are so that we may experience time and space. We are locked into an illusion of limitation and duality yet we are unlimited and can create our lives. We begin creating from the very moment we are born and have the ability to draw our natural qualities of love, gratitude, abundance, peace, unity  and compassion through us using such tools as attention and meditation.

When the soul incarnates into the body, it forgets that it is connected to all things. We begin to think we are individual when we are really just individuated clouds of energy within a grand sea of energy. We are connected by our breath, by our bodies, by our electromagnetic heart fields, by our atoms, molecules, the Earth, the stars! We are connected to the infinite field where all souls reside, where past and present lifetimes collide and all wisdom is held. We can access this field of wisdom and love at all times. No one is lost. No one is left out.

We can begin to remember who we are in our lives, honouring our soul voice, living with love, enjoying each moment and trusting that the field of pure potential will provide for us because it responds to our thoughts. Our emotions tell us where we are in relation to our soul voice and help to guide us back to our centre. We can begin to remember our unity and connection to the field. To all things. To each other. We can begin to remember that love, bliss and happiness is our true nature and resides within us. We can contact those who have gone before. Souls simply step in and out of material reality. Death is just an illusion.

In our current paradigm, we seem to often forget who we are, living in an illusion created by others, told to believe truths that do not resonate or apply to us. We give away our power, follow directions we do not like, hold onto emotions that feel terrible and edit ourselves into acceptable but diminutive versions of our true self in order to be approved by a society that has forgotten it's own unlimited potential. This hurts. The longer we keep ourselves in the darkness, the more unbearable it gets. We stay in downward spirals, negative loops and addictions and all the while the reality of life lies just on the other side of our hearts. Life seems hopeless, empty and pointless. We suffer and punish ourselves or others - not knowing that we had the power to shift ourselves.

Sometimes the pain becomes too much. Sometimes the pressure of holding onto the past or future becomes too much. Sometimes the focus of forgetting who we are is so unbearable we come to a point of choosing. The soul chooses - we choose. We let go and return to the field of love.

I like to think that R.I.P. means Release Internal Pressure as our soul explodes outwards from the limits and pressures of being in an illusory state of duality back into pure consciousness and bliss. There is nothing wrong with this. It is the default setting of love. The soul decides the ride is finished and we return home. Life is a journey. Death is just a transition. Sometimes we 'die' because the journey became unbearable and sometimes we die because we have stopped summoning forth life force. Sometimes there is no more desire for life and sometimes the answers to the questions we seek lie beyond the veil.

Yet R.I.P. is a state we can achieve without dying. We have the option to explore our emotions - to own them rather than to lay blame at others feet for our states and tantrums. We can choose to embrace our darkness rather than hide it. We can choose to begin focusing on things we love and things that work in our immediate reality. We can choose to begin to listen to our soul's voice and start doing something we really want to do. We can choose to forgive others. We can choose to play instead of be serious. We can choose to praise and compliment instead of judge and criticise. We can choose to look on the bright side. We can choose to let the laughter out...

We are safe. Our soul and our consciousness goes on forever. Who we are now will remain forever in the grand memory of our soul and the Universe. No one we have ever loved is lost. They are here, within the infinite field, loving and supporting us, talking to us in the wind, the words of a song, the call of a bird and the play of light on the water. Dare to dream and laugh at death!

Release Internal Pressure!

Sunday, 3 August 2014


The great lifter,
The eternal gifter,
The big respecter,
The trifecta,
The all-in-one,
The one-in-all,
The one that was,
The evermore,
The present moment,
The middle path,
The one that cries,
The one that laughs,
The high road up,
The low road down,
The formless void,
The regal crown,
The tattered rags,
The blowing flag,
The dog that wags,
The bodies that sag,
The inside-out,
The outside-in,
The eternal self,
The blissful grin...

Matt Rivers

Friday, 1 August 2014

You Can Go Your Own Way!

'Just be yourself'. How many of us heard that when we were growing up? Yet this tiny sentence reveals layers of metaphysical mystery as well as seemingly being at odds with the rest of the programming many of us absorbed as children and adults. I never really knew what it meant as a child and only recently have I begun to discover its true meaning. I wonder... How many of us are living the life of our dreams? How many of us are truly doing what we want to do, expressing ourselves in the way we want to, relishing life, feeling free, relaxed and healthy, blossoming and thriving?

There is a word that crops up in Indian philosophy - Dharma. Amongst its many layers of meanings and interpretations, it points to the idea of things being in their natural state. It refers to cosmic law and order, nature flourishing and supporting well-being. Applied to human consciousness, it can mean learning how to live in harmony with yourself, others and the Universe. Learning to discover ways to uncover your true self, your innate talents and how best to share them. 'Just be yourself' takes on a whole new meaning when we consider Dharma.

In The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra says that the Law of Dharma brings together all the other laws. It gives us a reason to be alive. It helps us act with love and authenticity. It inspires us to move into the life of our dreams, full of motivation and inspiration, conscious of our actions, dancing through life with the minimum of effort, just as nature and the Universe intended.

I have just quit my job teaching yoga in Cyprus because it doesn't set my heart on fire. I love the job, but it is nothing compared to the feeling I get when I am writing or singing. I have often found myself doing jobs because I thought I had to. Working to pay rent, to buy food, to fulfill the voice of duty and obligation in my head. I never trusted my instincts when it came to my own desires. I always seemed to listen to another voice that said 'do something constructive, get a proper job, money doesn't grow on trees, don't be selfish'. We have an entire litany of limiting beliefs running through our heads that prevent us from acting upon our own desires. It has taken me years to learn to listen to myself and my heart. I now believe that true happiness and fulfillment comes when we discover our dharma and then act upon it.

In every day reality, it implies that whatever we find ourselves doing, whether it is a job that fails to set our hearts on fire, perhaps a relationship or a situation that seems stagnant, we have the choice to begin to acknowledge how we feel. Allowing ourselves the space to breathe. Taking at least five minutes for ourselves everyday. Maybe it is five minutes of meditation, maybe five minutes of exploring our desires and dreams. When we take a little time out and take responsibility for our feelings we can begin to transform them. We can clarify how we want to feel. We can work out which direction we want to go. Once we know that, we can begin walking the walk instead of talking the talk.

I am not suggesting that everyone quit their jobs, relationships and life immediately and tune in and drop out! I am suggesting that it is possible, from where we are standing, in the midst of our lives, to begin turning in the direction we want to go. If you dream of writing, make some time everyday and begin writing. 5-10 minutes is easy. Allow yourself to play. The same goes for art, music, sport, walking, sightseeing, adventure - whatever you want! If you want an adventurous life but cannot seem to work out how... just begin having mini adventures - now. Any step in the direction of your dreams will start you on the road. Of course, if you are thriving, full of joy, satisfied and happy then it can be said that you are already living your dharma - just keep going!

'Follow your bliss' is a much quoted phrase attributed to Joseph Campbell, an American writer and mystic. It holds the essence of Dharma within it and alludes to 'Just being yourself'. Our dreams are what make us unique and that brings magic and variety to the world. 

Nature loves to flourish and we sometimes forget that we too are nature. We hold ourselves back and allow others to make decisions for us, in politics, employment, love and education. Yet the Universe seems to support us when we let go of our limits and follow our bliss... 

Dharma is a natural law, one of harmony and balance, nature working through us and us working within nature. We are amazing and our dreams matter. They add to the diversity of the world. May we realise our true selves and our innate talents and have the courage to explore them and share them with others.

