Monday, 25 May 2015

The Forty Pilgrims Project - Thunder and Lightning

Day 5

Simon has been walking for five days now. Perhaps he has completed today’s walk – of this I am not sure. What I do know is that he has already walked over 100km from Irun to Zenarruza in Northern Spain. Each day, he has held in his heart a prayer and poetic portrait for one of the forty pilgrims that are on this journey with him. As one of his twelve energetic guides, I have sat for five days, morning and evening, offering my small yoga practice, meditation and a prayer to him and the circle of 53, that we may join together in an energetic focus to support and heal Simon as he walks, adding considerable power to the dreams and intentions of the group as a whole.

The journey for each of us holds different challenges. Simon has the challenge of walking a vast distance and maintaining his intention to make peace with his temptation. For the rest of us, we are moving through our day to day lives, observing his journey and walking our own pathways through conscious reality, perhaps making changes, cleaning out our bodies or minds, affirming our goals or maybe just observing life as we live it.

I have been soaked by unseasonal rain. The delicate pitter-patter of dry-land drenching water has been music to my ears as the oncoming storm approached since yesterday. The gardens I have worked on all winter have offered a silent thank you to the clouds, as the land greets the sky like an old friend.

Yet amid that poetic staccato, my mind has been crashing against my own conflicts. Since the journey began, I have become far more motivated to sit for my meditation and gently stretch my amazing body. We all have an amazing one you know. I have been far more motivated in sitting to write yet as with all powerful journeys of the heart and soul, we must face our demons at some point.

I crashed against the rocks of conflict today. I found myself in an argument I didn’t want to be in. My body trembling, my voice quivering, my hands shaking. I had fear running through my body and I felt it as I had done when I was a child and teenager, locking antlers with my peers and parents.

It was an old feeling, one that I most definitely instigated and the Universe reflected back at me with balletic precision. It felt like a crescendo of the frustration from the last few days. A building of thoughts that revolved around struggling with life and not being valued.

Our hearts, bodies and souls are conspiring with the Universe at large to make us whole and healthy again. Just look at what happens when you cut yourself - your body begins fixing that cut. It doesn’t stop at physical injuries – the ongoing healing extends infinitely into our minds and psyche, as the Universe reflects and throws up situations that mirror patterns of emotion and thought within us that are ready to be healed.

This wasn’t just a day when someone pissed me off and I got cranky and sarcastic and they got angry and I got scared. This was a day when another being, made of the same stuff as me, triggered an emotional response in me that woke me up to an old forgotten part of myself that has been hidden and wants to be hugged and healed.

Yes, the rascal did piss me off, but… I chose the reaction. I also chose the ensuing aftermath - a brooding vegetable chopper with a vengeance. But vegetables are kind, and gave me the rest I needed for my mind. My beans, having been finely sliced and washed, allowed me a gap to see what was really going on.

A broken part of me, a young version of me, one that witnessed conflict, one that was scared and thus defensive, one that felt worthless and undervalued and taken for granted was making itself known through this drama. The conflict was a gift – I had to just see it as so, in order to acknowledge this lost part of myself. What was needed was listening… and love.

As I write about it, I can feel that lost child peering around a corner in my mind, wondering if it is safe to come out. I can feel the circle of 53 and the power it has. It is a supportive structure, and the support flows both ways. All ways in fact, from guide to Simon to pilgrim to guide to guide to Simon – you get the picture.

It took me a while to understand this. Most of the day in fact. When these kinds of dramas arise with friends and family, with my lover, I seem to move through them quicker – because I love those people. I do not want to be in conflict with them. Sometimes it can be hard when the person who is triggering emotional responses in you is a stranger. We can be less likely to see the gift that the drama is offering. Yet I genuinely believe that every moment has something to offer us, even strangers are friends. The harshest of circumstances will yield a silver lining eventually. It all depends on how present we can be and how much we can listen. Not just with our ears, but with our hearts and bodies as well.

Our own universe is talking to us. Our reality and emotions are giving us signals to acknowledge our states of being. To bring a little love into our hearts - for others yes - but maybe, more importantly, for ourselves. That is where the magic lies… in recovering those lost little portions of ourselves and loving them back into ourselves fully.

Love, love, love…


'The Forty Pilgrims Project' series is a blog inspired by a journey. Simon Welsh, poet, writer and new paradigm adventurer is walking the Camino de Santiago - a simple mission to put one foot in front of the other. Carving out a journey over 1000km of trails, roads and pathways, he is heading for Santiago, and further yet to Finisterre, the ‘End of the World’. He carries with him 40 prayers, one for each day, one for each pilgrim that is energetically walking with him. He is supported by 12 guides, energetically supporting him from afar. 

This is my journal of his 'Forty Pilgrims Project' - an observation from the outside, as one of his guides and friends. An exploration of my own journey by his side, as we connect in the quantum field.

Matt is a singer/songwriter, musician, poet and writer of words. He is exploring the forests of consciousness, time and space, and surfing the waves of thought, love and being. Getting lost and wiping out are adventures in themselves!

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