Monday, 1 February 2016

Create February Fabulous! - Ready, Steady, Go!

Day 1

The beginning of February and what better time to begin a new project. The long January is over, Christmas is but a distant memory and New Years resolutions have faded into dust. Time for a bit of excitement and creativity.

Yesterday I was writing my journal on the beach when an idea struck me. I want to spend some time every day this month creating something and I want to share it. Then another idea struck me. I want to share the idea of sharing creativity with everyone and see what happens. I want to see who joins in. I want to explore the notions of creativity and the connections it creates.

Create February Fabulous! is all about making one piece of art a day for the next 29 days starting today. At the very least, I am going to do something creative every day and post it on the internet. I am hoping other people will join me.

The art could take any form. It could be a doodle, a dance, a drawing or a design. It could be a photo, a song, a cake, a lego model, a painting or an origami flower. The point is to get creative every day and share your work. It doesn't matter if it took 2 seconds or 2 hours, all of it matters.

It doesn't matter whether you consider yourself an artist or not - I believe every human being on this planet is creative. Pablo Picasso once said that every child is an artist but the problem is holding onto that as we grow up.

Creativity is what makes humans unique. It is what makes each of our cultures glow with passion, excitement and colour. Our world expands because of our creativity, no matter how big or small. Sometimes the most precious moments can be found in a three line poem or the snap of a camera shutter and sometimes it is the roar of a stadium concert or the binding laughter of a family sing-song. We love to look at pictures and art. We love watching dancers leap and twist their bodies to infectious music. We love the sound of drums calling to the very essence of our souls.

I propose that when we focus and shine a light on our creativity, we begin to find elegant solutions to all kinds of problems. When we recognise that we are bound by much more than separates us, we can draw together as a species instead of drifting slowly apart. We are social creatures and creativity brings us together. Not only that, it is good for your soul. It is like meditation, being one with the moment, dancing in the rain!

So if you are reading this, I hope you are inspired to take part. Please check out the Facebook page Create February Fabulous! and use the hashtag #createfebruary if you are posting anything on social media sites. Don't feel like you have to share your art - there is no pressure here, no competition, just community and sharing. There is no pressure to create every day - art and artists need nurturing so be lovely to yourself as much as you can.

Let us see what happens. Let us see what we can create and let us see if we can make new conenctions, friends and communities.

Love, love, love...

Matt Rivers

"Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow."                                                        — Kurt Vonnegut

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